Thursday, 18 February 2010

Resident Evil 5 DLC 'Lost in Nightmares'

I've just gone out and purchased Resident Evil 5 (this is the second time I've brought this title after trading it in after completing it last year)ready for a co-op play through of the new DLC on Monday night.

Returning to the Mansion of the first game, 'Lost in Nightmares' fills in a blank from a flash back cut scene featured in the actual game.
Apart from primarily being more puzzle based I don't know a huge amount about this new chapter but I'm very excited to be going back to a game that although flawed was a fun co-op experience.

I'll report back Monday night, Tuesday morning with my initial thoughts and summary.

Lost in Nightmares is available now on XBL for 400mp, and £3.99 on PSN.

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